Tsipras at Trikala: We will bring justice and democracy to government rule again

Πηγή Φωτογραφίας: Eurokinissi (Αρχείου)
SYRIZA rallies are larger and voters more committed than ever, compared as far back as 2015, SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance leader Alexis Tsipras said in a public address at Trikala on Saturday.
“People have already decided to turn their anger into political action with their vote,” the main opposition leader told the residents of the central Greek city, and called for votes to form a progressive coalition government.
Tsipras called voting a great weapon in the hands of the young and said that voters should not believe government propaganda. “Believe what you can see with your own eyes and hear with your own ears,” he warned. Next Sunday, Syriza will win elections “and we will bring justice and democracy to power again,” he added.

The main opposition leader also addressed an invitation to PASOK-KINAL and the Communist Party (KKE), saying all three share a front against the New Democracy government of Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis. “Injustice has become established in Greece these past four years. What the government has achieved during its term is to make the wealthy wealthier, the poor poorer, and the middle class poor,” Tsipras underlined. “Mitsotakis’ Greece has become a country with Bulgarian wages and British prices,” he noted.
The party leader said Syriza already knew how to rule and how to assess program costs. “We have ruled and we know how to calculate [costs]. We left 37 billion euros in public coffers. We are not asking for a second chance – we are asking for the first chance to rule under our own program and wishes. Now we can. We learned from our mistakes and can do it,” he said, referring to the loan memoranda and measures.
Tsipras also referred to farmers, accusing Mitsotakis of “not caring and not knowing what their problems are. He grew up like a prince – he bears no relation to the people.”
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