Latest polls show ND party ‘locking up’ majority gov’t prospect in upcoming elections

Πηγή Φωτογραφίας: Αρχείου
The polls of June 25th, following the election result of May 21st, seem to lead to a new political scenario that will probably be unmatched by any phase of the post-junta period. The political dominance of New Democracy (ND) and the new balance of power, as recorded in the recent electoral contest, not only seems to be consolidating, but – according to the nationwide GPO poll for “THE NEW Weekend” – the upward wave for the ND is unstoppable, “ effectively locking” a percentage of over 40% for Kyriakos Mitsotakis and a strong independence (over 160 of the 300 seats).
Two weeks before the polls, the new nationwide survey shows the ND’s ceiling at even more than 43%, effectively highlighting a new stream of voters who appear to be moving towards the first party. On the contrary, SYRIZA and PASOK are now moving around the threshold formed for the two parties by the polls of May 21 (20% and 11.5%, respectively), without a more massive movement of voters that could change their position. on the new political map.
It is noteworthy that for both parties significant leaks are still recorded towards the ND, which are largely attributed not so much to the stakes of the new electoral contest, but to the “air of victory” of the first party and its chaotic difference from the second , as well as the disappointment of the losers from the previous election result.
The supremacy of ND and Kyriakos Mitsotakis in all individual political indicators is also concentrated in the vote intention table, where the ND is recorded at 41.3%, raising its percentages compared to the May ballot, at a time when SYRIZA is falling from the psychological limit of 20% and is detected at 19.6%. PASOK is stable at 11.5%, KKE’s percentage is slightly reduced with 6.5%, Freedom Sailing is on the rise with 4.4%, while a battle is expected to be fought on the right of the political spectrum, where Niki with 3, 4% is ahead of the Greek Solution which with 3% is on the threshold of parliamentary entry.
Opposition “Babel” Against this backdrop, the focus shifts more to the battle between the parties moving close to the 3% threshold for parliamentary representation. The five-party Parliament of May 21 looks like it will become a seven-party one, as both Zoi Konstantopoulou’s Freedom Sailing and Victory pass the critical threshold. On the contrary, MePA25 is still recorded as weakened, which is also sidetracked by the Freedom Voyage. Essentially, for the next Parliament, the image of a dominant party and an opposition “Bavel” is being formed, foreshadowing rapid developments in the opposition party.
The profile of Tsipras It is equally clear – as is evident from polls – that the day after the new elections, the spotlight will be on Koumoundourou and Alexis Tsipras. The visible possibility that the subsidence will continue and that SYRIZA will move on June 25 below the psychological limit of 20%, is highlighted by the new measurement of the GPO, while the deep wounds that are now recorded in the leadership profile of Alexis Tsipras are noteworthy.
In the table with the positive opinion of the political leaders, the president of SYRIZA has fallen to fifth place and is now behind Zoi Konstantopoulou, who – at the gates of the new Parliament – has shot up to fourth place. Moreover, the jump of Kyriakos Mitsotakis to 55.8% (positive opinions) has its own importance, as does the rise of Dimitris Koutsoumbas to second place, surpassing Nikos Androulakis.
As for the trends ahead of June 25, it is clear from the new poll that ND has absolutely imposed its agenda and its own electoral dilemmas: 49.2% of respondents say they want an independent ND government, while 46 .7% considers that the main electoral issue is government stability, which is now inextricably linked with the goal of secure self-reliance.
Movement of voters Of interest are the positions of PASOK voters who continue to appear divided into three, since 29.8% want a government of cooperation with ND, 28.1% an independent government of New Democracy and 24.6% a government of cooperation of their party with SYRIZA.
A critical parameter is the answers to the question that investigates the variability of the vote between the two electoral contests, with 83.8% of the participants in the survey declaring that they intend to vote for the same party, while 13.6% are thinking of changing his vote in the upcoming June ballot. Stability is shown by the New Democracy voters with a percentage of 94.1%, while a larger percentage vote volatility can be detected among SYRIZA voters with 13.4% and PASOK with 12.2%.
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