English Edition

Greek Labor Min.: Fines on two food delivery firms

Greek Labor Min.: Fines on two food delivery firms

Πηγή Φωτογραφίας: Twitter Adonis Georgiadis

What the Minister of Labor said

Fines for efood and Wolt were announced by Labor Minister Adonis Georgiadis, as both companies were serving orders via delivery at prohibited hours. In fact, the above was established after orders made by the Labor Inspectorate:

In particular, the Minister of Labor and Social Security, Adonis Georgiadis, stated that “Yesterday, the day of the extreme heat, the Independent Labor Inspection Authority – following my own thinking -, took the following action: it placed orders for food distribution during prohibited hours and in areas where the heat was particularly burdened on the two major platforms that we all mainly use to order our food, efood and Wolt”.


He further added that “Unfortunately, both companies despite the law delivered as normal, disregarding the health and safety conditions of the delivery workers. Already, the Independent Labor Inspection Authority is assessing the corresponding fines”, while he pointed out that “I want to make it clear in all directions that the decisions are not issued for formal reasons, nor to be covered if something goes wrong. Decisions are made to be followed. The controls are and will be non-stop and if we need to impose higher fines we will impose higher fines.

And he concluded: “Everyone should understand, no matter how big the companies are, that we do not play with the safety of the employees. In good faith and in a civilized manner, we prefer that we all follow the measures, but we are here to enforce the law for anyone who violates it.”


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