English Edition

Immediate measures for Evros, Parnitha to include reforestation, anti-flooding measures

Immediate measures for Evros, Parnitha to include reforestation, anti-flooding measures

Πηγή Φωτογραφίας: Αρχείου από eurokinissi

Skylakakis also said that the most important issue were the works to prevent flooding and soil erosion, which would start immediately in affected drainage basins.

A meeting chaired by Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis for the assumption of immediate measures in Evros region and on Mt Parnitha following extensive destruction by forest fires was held on Tuesday at the Maximos Mansion. After the end of the meeting, Environment and Energy Minister Theodoros Skylakakis made the following statement:

“In the government meeting was discussed the government’s immediate measures for Evros and Parnitha, the course of the measures for the previous wildfires and the issue of prevention and protection of our forests. The Forest Service immediately declares the above areas reforested, through administrative acts. We are taking care of the wild fauna, namely the wild animals that survived the wildfires to have access to food and water for the next period.”

Skylakakis also said that the most important issue were the works to prevent flooding and soil erosion, which would start immediately in affected drainage basins.

Additionally, among the top priorities is the cleaning of the streams in the affected areas, which is a responsibility of the regional authorities.

Government sources noted that in order to implement the projects, it was decided to activate the new institution of the “restoration sponsors” along with the help provided by forestry cooperatives.

Participating in the meeting were Environment and Energy Minister Theodoros Skylakakis, Climate Change and Civil Protection Minister Vassilis Kikilias, the State Ministers Stavros Papastavrou, Akis Skertsos and Makis Voridis, Alternate Minister of National Economy and Finance Nikos Papathanassis, Alternate Interior Minister Theodoros Livanios, Deputy Minister to the Prime Minister Yiannis Bratakos, Deputy Minister of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection Christos Triantopoulos, government spokesperson Pavlos Marinakis, the general secretary for forests Efstathios Stathopoulos, the general secretary for the environment Petros Varelidis, the general director of forests Vangelis Gountoufas, the general secretary for coordination Evi Dramalioti and the Prime Minister advisor on environmental issues George Amyras.


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