English Edition

Georgiadis: “Registration of pensions can be done using Skype”

Georgiadis: “Registration of pensions can be done using Skype”

Πηγή Φωτογραφίας: Twitter Adonis Georgiadis, The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection plans to introduce the possibility of Skype

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection plans to introduce the possibility of Skype communication between insured persons and E-EFKA employees for the registration of pensions.

The Ministry of Labor and Social Protection plans to introduce the possibility of Skype communication between insured persons and E-EFKA employees for the registration of pensions.

This was announced on August 29, 2023 by Minister Adonis Georgiadis, indicating that a pensioner who applied for a pension, will receive by e-mail and via Skype the employee responsible for the pension.

As Adonis Georgiadis explained, speaking on the air of the SKAI TV channel, in this way an employee of the service e-EFKA will accompany the insured in the process of applying for a pension, but the insured will also be able to contact him for further clarifications and information.

“Thus, in order to provide our fellow citizen with the greatest transparency and the greatest access to the system, he will be able to see our employee on his screen,” he added. He noted that this action is already in trial operation and will be announced at the Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF).

According to the Minister of Labor, the goal is to process pensions within one month. He noted that today the number of persons awaiting the payment of pensions is 30,000, and by the end of the year it is planned to reduce them to 25,000 and bring them to zero.

At the same time, Georgiadis also reviewed some of the key provisions of the new labor legislation that has been submitted for public comment.

In particular, referring to the possibility for employees to work simultaneously for two employers, the Minister of Labor explained that, as a rule, contributions from both places of work will be counted in the insurance period. At the same time, he clarified “a person will not receive a pension faster, but will nevertheless receive a higher pension, as the pension replacement rate will increase.”

As for the digital work book, Georgiadis said that in a year it will be introduced in the entire labor market, and from that moment on, the employee will be paid every minute of overtime.

Among other things, the Minister of Labor stressed that the draft law includes a provision according to which the strikers do not have the right to forcibly prevent those who want to work. “The right to strike is respected. But the right to work is also respected”Georgiadis stressed.

Trade unions have already come out with sharp criticism of this paragraph of the bill, calling it a strikebreaker.

PS Why Skype, and not other instant messengers, were chosen for communication is not clear. After all, the number of users of this program has fallen significantly in recent years. Perhaps the use of this program will be her “swan song”, at least in Greece …

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