English Edition

Ministry-affiliated agency providing food for wildlife in Mt. Parnitha, Dadia forest

Ministry-affiliated agency providing food for wildlife in Mt. Parnitha, Dadia forest

Πηγή Φωτογραφίας: Συνεχίζεται για έβδομη ημέρα η μεγάλη πυρκαγιά στα Νότια του νησιού της Ρόδου. Συνεχείς αναζωπυρώσεις και μεγάλες καταστροφές σε σπίτια και επιχειρήσεις. Στιγμιότυπα από το Ασκληπείο, Δευτέρα 24 Ιουλίου 2023 (ΛΕΥΤΕΡΗΣ ΔΑΜΙΑΝΙΔΗΣ/EUROKINISSI)

The agency said it would continue to place food for as long as necessary, using staff from the administrative units of Mt. Parnitha, Schinias, Saronikos, Delta of Evros and Dadia forest.

Staff of the Natural Environment & Climate Change Agency (NECCA) on Thursday announced actions to help feed wild animals that survived the fires on Mt. Parnitha (Attica Region) and in Dadia forest (Evros Region).

In a statement, it said that in the areas of its jurisdiction staff did the following:

– On Mt. Parnitha, they placed bales of clover in the Drasiza location for deer

– In Dadia, they placed food at the Tsournara location of the National Park (with three roe deer appearing shortly after) and at the Katratzides location, near a small natural lake. As of August 29, NECCA has been placing grain at the EU Natura network area “South Forest Complex of Evros” (SE end of Mt. Rodopi), which was also affected by fires.

The agency said it would continue to place food for as long as necessary, using staff from the administrative units of Mt. Parnitha, Schinias, Saronikos, Delta of Evros and Dadia forest.

NECCA, a successor of the National Center for Environment and Sustainable Development, implements the policy formulated by the Ministry of Environment and Energy for the management of protected areas, biodiversity conservation, promotion and implementation of sustainable development actions and climate change mitigation.


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