English Edition

Major rescue efforts – A total of 1,881 rescues so far

Major rescue efforts – A total of 1,881 rescues so far

Πηγή Φωτογραφίας: Eurokinissi (Αρχείου), The rescue operations from the air in the areas of Thessaly that were affected by the unprecedented severe weather conditions continue unabated by the Fire Department and the Armed Forces.

The rescue operations from the air in the areas of Thessaly that were affected by the unprecedented severe weather conditions continue unabated by the Fire Department and the Armed Forces.

The rescue operations from the air in the areas of Thessaly that were affected by the unprecedented severe weather conditions continue unabated by the Fire Department and the Armed Forces.

According to information from the Fire Department, from early on Friday until 11:00, there have been 149 aerial rescues of people. Specifically, 93 have been done by the Air Force and 56 by the Fire Department.

A total of 1,881 rescues – evacuations of people, who were taken to safe places, have been carried out until now, while from Tuesday, September 5, until today at 6:30 a.m., the Operations Center of the Fire Department received 6,406 calls, according to information from the Fire Department. The calls mainly involve pumping water, cutting trees and removing people to safe places.


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