English Edition

Government decides to legalize 180,000 illegal migrants to work as “farmers”

Government decides to legalize 180,000 illegal migrants to work as “farmers”

Πηγή Φωτογραφίας: avgi.gr, The government is legalizing and employing hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants, despite Greek unemployment of 10.5%

The government is legalizing and employing hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants, despite Greek unemployment of 10.5%, under the pretext of a shortage of “farm workers,” thus planning the largest population change in the country in 15 years.

The government is legalizing and employing hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants, despite Greek unemployment of 10.5%, under the pretext of a shortage of “farm workers,” thus planning the largest population change in the country in 15 years.

The corresponding statement was made by the Minister of Rural Development and Food L. Avgenakis (the same one who said that “rumors of disasters in Thessaly are exaggerated”)who stated at the Heraklion conference:“The country needs 180 thousand agricultural workers annually,” and thus “The Ministry of Rural Development and Food should also focus on immigrants who are already living illegally in our country!”

Specifically he said: “Every year we need 180 thousand land workers. Countries that have filled this need over time are Egypt, Albania, India, Bangladesh, Vietnam, etc.

For this reason, we urgently contacted the Ministry of Foreign Affairs with a request to immediately begin strengthening our local embassies, our offices to examine the dossiers, but not with a willingness to refuse, since this has been happening constantly lately, but with a real willingness to check the dossier of every person interested come to Greece to work for a specific company that will hire him for a certain period of time.”

He continued: “Since this issue seems to be dragging on, literally on Friday we discussed with the minister responsible for migration policy, Mr. Kairidis, another idea – to look at those who are in our country illegally and working.

It’s a problem that exists, we think it doesn’t exist, or at least we pretend it doesn’t exist. It is a fact that we have several thousand people working illegally in our country, but for many years they have known the peculiarities and difficulties of raising sheep and goats in the mountains or on large livestock farms or in large farms.”

As the Minister of Rural Development and Food emphasized, in agreement with the Ministry of Migration Policy, with the assistance of the Ministries of Foreign Affairs, Labor and Internal Affairs and, of course, the Ministry of Rural Development, a bill is being prepared that will allow, subject to a number of conditions, to begin the process of legalization of workers for a long time employed in our country.

That this is the least dangerous thing the government is working on is obvious.

But they won’t be able to find 180,000, because illegal immigrants do not come to Greece, but stay with us for a while, while trying to leave for Germany or the northern Scandinavian countries, so their number is unlikely to exceed, for example, 100,000.

It should also be taken into account that most of the migrants who arrived in Greece from Turkey did not come to Europe to work in the fields. Having paid from 7 to 15 thousand US dollars, migrants, seduced by advertising that is actively distributed in the poorest countries of Asia and Africa, go to Europe for a rich and beautiful life. Which does not involve “dirty work in the fields of Greece.” Let’s also not forget that they are all young, of reproductive age, and the sharp decline in the population of Greece is a given.

But most importantly, wouldn’t it have been easier to introduce incentives like their northern neighbors to force 200,000 unemployed Greeks to work in the agricultural sector? Most likely, the authors of the law had completely different thoughts in their heads. I wonder who whispers this to them?

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