English Edition

Infrastructure Min. Staikouras provides quarter update on progress of major projects

Infrastructure Min. Staikouras provides quarter update on progress of major projects

Πηγή Φωτογραφίας: Τέταρτο Διεθνές Συνέδριο "The BIM Conference" από το Τεχνικό Επιμελητήριο Ελλάδας για τη μοντελοποίηση κατασκευαστικών πληροφοριών, Πέμπτη 12 Οκτωβρίου 2023. (ΒΑΣΙΛΗΣ ΡΕΜΠΑΠΗΣ/EUROKINISSI)

Staikouras, who has presented the ministry's plans and timetable when he assumed his current portfolio, provided details of progress on 12 policy plans listed below

A summary of the first three months of his ministry’s actions were presented by Infrastructure & Transport Minister Christos Staikouras on Tuesday, during a press conference.

Staikouras, who has presented the ministry’s plans and timetable when he assumed his current portfolio, provided details of progress on 12 policy plans listed below:

1. Public works 2. Large-scale irrigation, earth improvement, and antiflood works (smaller ones belong to regional authorities) 3. Control and maintenance of existing infrastructural works 4. Boosting electromobility 5. Updating the fleet of urban buses (Athens and Thessaloniki) 6. Reforming the Greek railway system 7. Further boosting security at airports, air transport, and air navigation 8. Creating metropolitan agencies responsible for traffic in Athens and Thessaloniki 9. Expanding current bus lines and creating new ones (long-distance KTEL buses), under the coordination of the Transport Authority of Thessaloniki (OSETh) 10. Boosting BIM models, which guarantee the comprehensive digital imaging of physical and operational characteristics of an infrastructure 11. Boosting the resilience of transport inextricably linked to infrastructure 12. Immediate restoration of damage in infrastructure of natural disaster-affected areas, with works of higher resilience


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