English Edition

Kasselakis proposes Feb 23-25, 2024 for SYRIZA Congress

Kasselakis proposes Feb 23-25, 2024 for SYRIZA Congress

Πηγή Φωτογραφίας: Eurokinissi (Αρχείου), The SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance Congress should be held on February 23-25, 2024 party leader Stefanos Kasselakis proposed during a meeting of the Political Secretariat on Wednesday, party sources said.

The SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance Congress should be held on February 23-25, 2024 party leader Stefanos Kasselakis proposed during a meeting of the Political Secretariat on Wednesday, party sources said.

The SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance Congress should be held on February 23-25, 2024 party leader Stefanos Kasselakis proposed during a meeting of the Political Secretariat on Wednesday, party sources said.

Kasselakis, who participated through videoconference from the United States, said the Congress should express unity and a path forward, “leading us to an upward trajectory that will register in Europarliament elections as well.” The Congress, he added, is “a large congress of society,” and it must take place after a detailed dialog has taken place in the party.

In his opening remarks, Kasselakis expressed his concern over the escalating violence in Palestine and Israel and called on the government to “help its victims, refugees and the injured, Palestinians and Israelis.”

Speaking of the results of local elections, he reiterated that the results showed “the first crack in the image of the government’s omnipotency” as well as “the resistances of local societies – they did not succumb to blackmail, they did not swallow the mass media propaganda” that linked voting for New Democracy candidates with funding and support from the central government.

He also spoke of a record abstention by voters, which underlined the need for SYRIZA to make the public aware of the value of participation in movements, society, and elections.

An independent Left

SYRIZA, he said, will take initiatives at European level as well to “collaborate with progressive forces, whether they belong to the Left or the socialists, or the Greens.”

The aim is for the main opposition party “to build a modern and independent Left” that “will embrace all Leftist, progresssive, and democratic citizens whenever and wherever necessary, to end New Democracy’s neoliberal policies.” An alliance should be sought with unions, chambers of commerce, and scientific associations, he said. He clarified however that “SYRIZA’s strategic goal is and should be to form an independent, progressive government.”

SYRIZA can build a contemporary and independent Left in two ways, he said. The first would be to utilize all available modern tools, starting with the existing online platform of isyriza, which must be upgraded to guarantee and promote unmediated and constant contact with party members. “This does not mean we will abolish party organs, its sectors, and the sectors of parliamentary work. But we must find those ways that will allow members to play a substantial role in the party’s production of policy,” he underlined.

The second way is to “work out specific policy proposals for every issue related to citizens: from the high cost of living and rents to special education schools and the care of the elderly. There is no issue that concerns citizens and is not on our agenda,” Kasselakis noted.

Another proposal the party leader made is to hold regional conferences at each of the 13 regions of Greece. All these should start in November and be completed by January, while he would visit all 13 regions. “We need the involvement of society. The active participation of all party members and of society. The involvement of workers, productivity and development agencies, scientists, people involved in culture,” he said.

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