
Greek Labor Ministry: Stamatis Poulis unsalaried special adviser by ministerial decision

Greek Labor Ministry: Stamatis Poulis unsalaried special adviser by ministerial decision

Πηγή Φωτογραφίας: Ministry of Labour, By decision of the Minister of Labor and Social Security, Mr. Adonis Georgiadis, Mr. Stamatis Poulis is appointed unpaid special advisor, with responsibility for monitoring the implementation of the projects of the Recovery and Resilience Fund

The responsibilities of Mr. Stamatis Poulis according to the decision

By decision of the Minister of Labor and Social Security, Mr. Adonis Georgiadis, Mr. Stamatis Poulis is appointed unpaid special advisor, with responsibility for monitoring the implementation of the projects of the Recovery and Resilience Fund, the interface with the labor market and the implementation of strategy for upgrading the skills of the workforce, as well as a representative of the Minister of Labor on the board of the Public Employment Service (DYPA).

Brief CV

Mr. Stamatis Poulis is the 1st Alternate Member of Parliament of New Democracy for Western Attica. Holder of a university degree from the School of Economics and Political Science of the University of London and a Master’s Degree in the Organization and Management of Health Services from the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. He was the managing director of the Development Company of the municipality of Fyli. He is active as a consultant in the planning and implementation of large development projects, as well as programs related to training, specialization and the creation of new jobs.


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