English Edition

GES2023: Foreign investments in Greece have broken all record highs, says US Ambassador Tsunis

GES2023: Foreign investments in Greece have broken all record highs, says US Ambassador Tsunis

Πηγή Φωτογραφίας: AMNA.GR

Foreign investments in Greece have broken all record highs and American companies participate in this, he added. Google's investment alone has reached 2.2 billion euros, he added.

Over the next 2-3 years Greece’s economy will grow three times faster than the EU average, noted on Monday US Ambassador George Tsunis, speaking at the 34th Greek Economic Summit GES2023 – ‘Fostering a sustainable economic future amidst global challenges’ (Dec.4-5).

Foreign investments in Greece have broken all record highs and American companies participate in this, he added. Google’s investment alone has reached 2.2 billion euros, he added.

The mutual interests of the US and Greece are fully aligned, he added, and mentioned specific areas of fruitful cooperation: in security, within NATO, in investments, information, labour, diplomacy, and also in culture and education.

In geostrategic terms, it is important to have an uninterrupted supply of natural gas, noted the American diplomat. The fact that Greece is a gas provider is beneficial to Greek companies, and helps the country emerge as an energy exporter, one that secures regional stability.

The 34th Greek Economic Summit-GES2023 is organized by the American-Hellenic Chamber of Commerce in cooperation with the Athens Exchange Group, and in strategic partnership with the Atlantic Council and the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.


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