English Edition

Greece participating in High-Level Cooperation Council with a sincere desire to cooperate

Greece participating in High-Level Cooperation Council with a sincere desire to cooperate

Πηγή Φωτογραφίας: Eurokinissi (Αρχείου),They also pointed out that special emphasis is being placed on a positive agenda that is mutually beneficial. During the upcoming 5th Greece-Turkiye HLCC, the two sides are expected to sign agreements, memoranda and joint statements

They also pointed out that special emphasis is being placed on a positive agenda that is mutually beneficial. During the upcoming 5th Greece-Turkiye HLCC, the two sides are expected to sign agreements, memoranda and joint statements

Greece is engaging in dialogue with Turkiye in a way that is fully aligned with its long-standing positions, government spokesperson Pavlos Marinakis said in statements late on Wednesday. He noted  that the contacts taking place in the context of the Greece-Turkiye High-Level Cooperation Council (HLCC) on Thursday include a series of important individual meetings, with the most important being that between the two leaders, Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan. Marinakis added that this was part of a process that started some months ago, which includes the political dialogue, the Confidence Building Measures and the positive agenda. The Greek government will participate in the HLCC with Turkiye with a sincere desire to cooperate, as the consolidation of a positive climate is an important step in Greece’s relations with the neighbouring country, government sources underlined.

They also pointed out that special emphasis is being placed on a positive agenda that is mutually beneficial. During the upcoming 5th Greece-Turkiye HLCC, the two sides are expected to sign agreements, memoranda and joint statements (some of which concern cooperation between organisations and entities, such as Entreprise Greece) in the fields of economic and trade cooperation, health, education, tourism, sports, research/technology as well as rural development.

As part of their bilateral meeting, Mitsotakis and Erdogan are expected to discuss the next steps in the relations and contacts of the two countries based on the three points agreed upon during their meeting in Vilnius last July: political dialogue, confidence building measures, positive agenda.


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