English Edition

SYRIZA parliamentary committee concludes ‘qualitative and productive’ work weekend

SYRIZA parliamentary committee concludes ‘qualitative and productive’ work weekend

Πηγή Φωτογραφίας: Συνάντηση του Προέδρου του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ - Προοδευτική Συμμαχία Στέφανου Κασσελάκη με Συλλόγους εργαζομένων οι οποίοι δραστηριοποιούνται στους τομείς της ανάδειξης και προστασίας της πολιτιστικής μας κληρονομιάς, καθώς και στην προαγωγή της επιστημονικής γνώσης, Δευτέρα 15 Ιανουαρίου 2024. (ΓΙΑΝΝΗΣ ΠΑΝΑΓΟΠΟΥΛΟΣ/EUROKINISSI)

The closed-door meeting was scheduled to end on Saturday night but had to be extended to include all presentations by party officials.

The SYRIZA parliamentary committee’s work weekend concluded on Sunday at party leader Stefanos Kasselakis’ house on the island of Spetses.

The closed-door meeting was scheduled to end on Saturday night but had to be extended to include all presentations by party officials.

Commenting on the meeting, head of the parliamentary committee Sokratis Famellos said the political discussion took 20 work hours, with 30 presentations. “The basic object of the parliamentary group’s object was the proposals that SYRIZA will set for the Greek society’s prosperity, for a better income, better jobs, a better environment, better education, and better health,” he noted, adding that the meeting worked on the main opposition party’s stance for its congress, and for the restart and regrouping of the party.

“Greek society has a lot of needs and we see that the government cannot meet them. We have an oligopoly market which is based on profiteering and imbalances, we have serious issues in the environment, in education, and in health.” He underlined, “Every Greek should have the opportunity to claim his dream under equal opportunities and rights. That is why we need sustainable development with social justice and a democratic just society,” which is exactly SYRIZA’s proposal.

The parliamentary’s group Theodora Tzakri noted that the meeting was “completely successful and one of the most qualitative and productive work meetings of our parliamentary group.” She said the group coordinated the entirety of its stance as main opposition and the plan “to face themost antisocial government of Mitsotakis, on issues of high pricing and the economy, and on issues of security and daily life particularly.” She said the meeting contributed by bringing to the party “a more collective and deep way of working together.”


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