Air Arabia To Launch Direct Sharjah-Athens Flights – Οικονομικός Ταχυδρόμος –
— (@otgr_official) February 10, 2024
Πηγή Φωτογραφίας:
Air Arabia, the leading affordable airline in the Middle East and North Africa, is set to introduce direct flights to Greece this summer confirming its plans to expand its presence in the European market.
The flights are slated to commence in June as the company is set to inaugurate a direct route linking Athens with Sharjah in the United Arab Emirates (UAE), the third most populous city in the Gulf Kingdom. This new connection will reportedly operate four times a week, as the company aims to cater to both business and leisure travelers.
Adel Abdullah Ali, CEO of Air Arabia Group, highlighted Sharjah’s allure, renowned for its rich heritage, vibrant culture, and thriving business opportunities. He affirmed: “We are pleased to launch our direct flights between the city of Sharjah and the city of Athens, known for its ancient history and rich culture. This step confirms our constant commitment to providing travelers with seamless travel options driven by added value, and we look forward to welcoming passengers on board our flights to explore the wonders of…the City of Athens.
Air Arabia operates a modern fleet comprising Airbus A320 and A321 neo-LR aircraft, renowned as the most advanced and popular single-aisle aircraft globally. The cabin layout prioritizes passenger comfort, offering one of the widest seat pitches in the economy class cabin across the fleet.
source airarabia/breaking travel news
Air Arabia To Launch Direct Sharjah-Athens Flights – Οικονομικός Ταχυδρόμος –
— (@otgr_official) February 10, 2024
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