Άγιοι Ανάργυροι: Θεία 39χρονου δράστη: «Είμαστε συντετριμμένοι, να τιμωρηθούν και όλοι οι υπόλοιποι»

Πηγή Φωτογραφίας: Διαδίκτυο//Δύο εβδομάδες μετά τη στυγερή δολοφονία στους Αγίους Αναργύρους, όπου ο 39χρονος δράστης σκότωσε την Κυριακή Γρίβα, οι γονείς του άτυχου κοριτσιού βιώνουν δύσκολες ώρες ενώ ο δολοφόνος βρίσκεται στις φυλακές Κορυδαλλού μετά από νοσηλεία στην ψυχιατρική κλινική στο Τζάνειο.
Two weeks after the brutal murder in Agioi Anargyrou, where the 39-year-old assailant killed Kyriaki Griva, the parents of the unfortunate girl are experiencing difficult times while the killer is in Korydallos prisons after being hospitalized at the psychiatric clinic in Tzanio.
The 39-year-old’s aunt spoke to Mega about her nephew, saying that he had mental issues and self-destructive tendencies, while he stated several times how “Thanasis no longer has a life”.
“Nobody did anything to prevent it. What I want to say is that just like the life of Kiki’s family, ours is not the same. Clearly no one expected something like this, we are devastated by what has happened. I would like to hug Kiki’s mother, the one who will not be able to give Kiki .’
” In addition to the huge responsibility of the perpetrator, all the others should also be punished “
“It wasn’t the first time, he usually hurt himself. All doctors talk only about self-destruction. It was all self-destruction. When the doctors confirm that he is only self-destructive, none of us expected that he is capable of hurting another human being […] I am not trying to escape. We don’t want, no acquittal. We are not looking for anything like that. To be tried for the life he took for the girl who will never see his mother again and to pay for the murder and not the place where it was committed. The family wants the opinions to be done correctly and to go where the doctors decide.”
“It would be a shame if a piece of information comes out and it doesn’t come out complete. I can understand the reasons. One reason we don’t talk is out of respect for Kiki who we loved. Half information comes out. It’s not like that but I’m not allowed to say anything more about whether he was watching her or going to her house. Kiki was indeed pregnant and by her own decision had the abortion. Good thing he did because it wasn’t working properly. The perpetrator loved the child very much. She didn’t miscarry because of a beating, it was for health reasons. He was there himself sowing.”
“He set out to hurt himself. I wouldn’t want his life. Does it have life do you think? Is it alive and? He asked to see his mother, whom he has not seen since the night before the murder. Mr. Giannakos said he could visit him. His mother was dying to see him for a minute and they wouldn’t even let her through the hospital door.”
“Does it have life? Anyone who breathes and is alive will live after what he did on Sunday? We have lived with this child for many years and know his character. Does this child have life? Is he in the mental hospital under sedation? Will he ever top what he did on Sunday? Just because I’m breathing doesn’t mean I’m living and I have life on the way.”
“What we want is for him to be punished and tried for the crime he committed and the life he took, of a man he adored but not for the location where he committed the murder. “, the aunt of the 39-year-old perpetrator said in closing.
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