Voridis: Euro-Atlantic strategy for the Balkans comes with certain obligations

Πηγή Φωτογραφίας: Eurokinissi (Αρχείου)//"Greece has a consistent position, it supports the European and Euro-Atlantic strategy for the Balkans system, but as soon as this strategy is accepted by the other countries, this also means commitments, which they will find in front of them," Interior Minister, Makis Voridis
“Greece has a consistent position, it supports the European and Euro-Atlantic strategy for the Balkans system, but as soon as this strategy is accepted by the other countries, this also means commitments, which they will find in front of them,” Interior Minister, Makis Voridis, said on Saturday at the Balkan Gathering.
The minister explained that this has to do with many issues, such as how the institutions, the courts, the rule of law should work, respect for minorities and he also referred to the relations with neighboring countries, which seek European integration, or the cooperation in the European and Euro-Atlantic institutions.
“In fact, those who accept this direction – and I think it is very positive that in the Balkans, most countries accept this direction – this means that Greece, as the oldest EU member in the region, as the country with the largest GDP and the strongest defense country in the region, has a solid supporting role, a leading role to play in facilitating this strategy, which also brings obligations.”
More specifically, Voridis referred to the recent statements of the new leadership of North Macedonia, in relation to the Prespa Agreement. “Regardless of the intention someone may have to question an international agreement, however, it must be understood that these agreements are implemented and there is a universal claim to their implementation.
That is, it is not a bilateral issue here now, it concerns the international community, it concerns the way in which this state is recognized by other states, it concerns its participation in international organizations,” Voridis said and added: “I want to say that some may have been elected with a particular electoral agenda, but it is obvious that they cannot doubt the agreements, this would have extremely adverse consequences for the particular state, which no responsible government would want to assume.”
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