English Edition

European Parliament elections in Greece: 31 political parties and coalitions participating on June 9

European Parliament elections in Greece: 31 political parties and coalitions participating on June 9
In the European Parliament elections on June 9 a total of 31 political parties and coalitions with 1,168 candidates will be participating in Greece.

In the European Parliament elections on June 9 a total of 31 political parties and coalitions with 1,168 candidates will be participating in Greece.

Voters will have the opportunity to choose from candidates representing these parties and coalitions. They can mark their preferred candidates with up to four crosses on the ballot paper. If more than four crosses are marked the ballot remains valid but counts in favor of the coalition, disregarding individual preference crosses.

The parties participating in this election process are as follows:    1. New Democracy    2. Syriza-Progressive Alliance    3. PASOK -Movement For Change (PASOK-KINAL)    4. Greek Communist Party (KKE)    5. Elliniki Lysi-Kyriakos Velopoulos    6. Νiki    7. Plefsi Eleftherias – Ζoi Κonstantopoulou    8. ΜeRA 25    9. Voice of Logic-Afroditi Latinopoulou     10. ΑNTARSYA    11. LAOS (Laikos Orthodoxos Synagermos)    12. Symmetecho (Participate) for National Sovereignty and Cyprus    13. Marxist-Leninist Communist Party of Greece (M-L KKE)    14. National Front    15. Organization of International Communists of Greece      16. Organization for the Reconstruction of the Communist Party of Greece   17. Party of Equality, Peace, and Friendship   18. KEKA-AKKEL Together for a Free Greece   19. Patriots-Prodomos Emfietzoglou    20. United People’s Front (EPAM)    21. Movement 21    22. Democrats-Αndreas Loverdos    23. Diaspora Network of Greeks in Europe (ΟDEE)    24. New Left    25. Conservatives    26. National Independence Movement    27. Union Of Centrists    28. Assembly of Greeks    29. Green Movement    30. Creation    31. World (Kosmos)


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