English Edition

High Fire Danger Today in Ten Areas of Greece: Safety Tips from Authorities

High Fire Danger Today in Ten Areas of Greece: Safety Tips from Authorities

Πηγή Φωτογραφίας: Μεγάλη αναζωπύρωση της πυρκαγιάς στην περιοχή της Νέας Αγχιάλου Μαγνησίας το απόγευμα της Πέμπτης 27 Ιουλίου 2023. Στη μάχη για την κατάσβεση της φωτιάς συμμετέχουν 5 πυροσβεστικά αεροσκάφη, 85 πυροσβεστικά οχήματα, 8 πεζοπόρα τμήματα, δεκάδες υδροφόρες του Δήμου Βόλου, αλλά και πολλές ιδιωτικές, καθώς και εκατοντάδες εθελοντές. (ΤΑΤΙΑΝΑ ΜΠΟΛΑΡΗ/EUROKINISSI)

Greek authorities are urging caution as a high risk of wildfires threatens ten regions today

Greek authorities are urging caution as a high risk of wildfires threatens ten regions today, Saturday, June 8th, 2024. The General Secretariat for Civil Protection has classified the following areas as “high risk”:

  • Attica
  • South Evia
  • Cyclades Islands
  • Crete
  • Karpathos Island
  • Kasos Island
  • Samos Island
  • Ikaria Island
  • Chios Island
  • Psara Island

How to Prevent Fires:

  • Avoid burning trash or yard debris during the summer months.
  • Refrain from using outdoor grills in forests or areas with dry vegetation.
  • Steer clear of activities that could spark fires, such as welding or using tools that generate sparks.
  • Properly dispose of cigarette butts – don’t litter!
  • Don’t leave trash in forests, as it can easily ignite.
  • Respect fire access restrictions during high-risk periods.

Protecting Your Home:

  • Clear at least a 10-meter radius of dry leaves, pine needles, and branches to create a firebreak around your property.
  • Prune trees up to 3 meters high, depending on their age and condition.
  • Remove dead branches from trees and shrubs.
  • Ensure tree branches don’t touch your house walls, roof, or balconies. Prune them to maintain a 5-meter distance from the house.
  • Thin out dense vegetation so branches from different trees are at least 3 meters apart. For even greater protection, clear vegetation around your home by at least 10 meters, as long as it complies with forestry regulations.
  • Avoid using plastic gutters or pipes on your house walls.
  • Don’t install flammable window blinds.
  • Ensure chimney and vent covers are made of fire-resistant materials to prevent sparks from entering.
  • Store flammable objects away from your house.
  • Keep firewood in enclosed and protected areas.
  • Don’t build exposed fuel tanks near your home.
  • Invest in appropriate fire extinguishers and maintain them regularly.
  • Have a hose long enough to reach all areas around your house.
  • Consider a simple, non-electric water pump and hose for additional water access.

In Case of Fire:

  • Immediately call the Fire Department (199) and provide clear details about:
    • Your location and specific point of reference.
    • The location, exact spot, and direction of the fire.
    • The type of vegetation burning.

If the Fire Approaches Your Home:

  • Stay calm.
  • Move all flammable materials away from your house to a safe, enclosed area.
  • Seal all openings (chimneys, windows, doors) to prevent smoke from entering.
  • Shut off natural gas and liquid fuel supplies inside and outside your house.
  • Retract awnings from balconies and windows.
  • Open the garden gate to facilitate access for fire trucks.
  • Place a ladder on the outside of your house, opposite the fire’s direction, for easy roof access.
  • Connect hoses and lay them flat to cover the house’s perimeter.
  • If visibility is reduced, turn on your house’s interior and exterior lights to be seen through the smoke.

After the Fire Passes:

  • Leave your home and extinguish any remaining small fires.
  • Regularly check the house’s perimeter and exterior for signs of rekindling for at least 48 hours.

Evacuation Orders:

  • If authorities order an evacuation, strictly follow their instructions and designated escape routes.

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