English Edition

Marina Abramović will perform with Anohni in Athens on Thursday!

Marina Abramović will perform with Anohni in Athens on Thursday!

Πηγή Φωτογραφίας: the look.grMarina Abramović will perform with Anohni in Athens on Thursday!

Abramović will preface the show with the songwriter Anohni

Abramović will preface the show with the songwriter Anohni

Marina Abramović will be in Athens to preface the World Premiere of the songwriter Anohni at the Odeon of Herodes Atticus.

“This Thursday, I am performing a concert for the first time in 7 years at the Acropolis in Athens, Greece. Marina Abramovic is going to introduce the show. Johanna Constantine will perform at all the upcoming concerts. The band includes Jimmy Hogarth, Leo Abrahams, Chris Vatalaro, Gael Rakotondrabe, Sam Dixon, as well as Julia Kent, Max Moston, Doug Wiselman and Mazz Swift from NYC. See you on the boiling ice!” said about the show.

Marina Abramović

Abramović and Anohni collaborated for the first time in 2011 in the opera” “The Life and Death of Marina Abramović”.

Anohni participated as music director and a performer in this biography of the” “godmother” of performance art, which was inspired by Robert Wilson and received rave reviews wherever it was performed.

In this production, a cross between theatre, opera and visual art, Robert Wilson chronicles the extraordinary life and work of Abramović; Anohni wrote the original score.

Buy tickets HERE.

Source: GCT//Paul Antonopoulos


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