English Edition

Cabinet changes expected next week

Cabinet changes expected next week

Πηγή Φωτογραφίας: Eurokinissi (Αρχείου)//Cabinet changes expected next week

The changes in the cabinet have reportedly been postponed to the beginning of next week, with Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis being in no hurry as he weighs all his options very thoroughly.

The changes in the cabinet have reportedly been postponed to the beginning of next week, with Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis being in no hurry as he weighs all his options very thoroughly.

Sources have told Kathimerini that at least four ministers will depart, some of whom are top-shelf executives, as the prime minister wants to send a message that no one is nailed to their chair. Mitsotakis is expected to refrain from knee-jerk reactions but will instead remain firmly committed to his reform plan.

This means, as he said in a recent interview, that the choice of persons will be made on the basis of “who can do the job” and not on the basis of other criteria that – as a government source says – “do not suit Mitsotakis’ temperament,” such as geographical distribution.

“The prime minister is never going to look at the map and choose based on… regions and percentages,” the same source added, explaining the basic rationale behind the upcoming reshuffle: It is the strategy that will indicate the faces, not the other way around.

Source: kathimerini.com//Stavros Papantoniou


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