English Edition

Tsipras and Zaev Present Prespa Peace Award to Matthew Nimetz in Athens

Tsipras and Zaev Present Prespa Peace Award to Matthew Nimetz in Athens

Πηγή Φωτογραφίας: Eurokinissi (Αρχείου)//Tsipras and Zaev Present Prespa Peace Award to Matthew Nimetz in Athens

In a significant recognition of diplomatic efforts, former Prime Ministers Alexis Tsipras of Greece and Zoran Zaev of North Macedonia awarded the first-ever 'Prespa Peace Award' to Matthew Nimetz, the former UN Special Representative for the naming dispute between Greece and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

In a significant recognition of diplomatic efforts, former Prime Ministers Alexis Tsipras of Greece and Zoran Zaev of North Macedonia awarded the first-ever ‘Prespa Peace Award’ to Matthew Nimetz, the former UN Special Representative for the naming dispute between Greece and the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia.

The award ceremony took place during the inaugural International Conference for Peace and Sustainable Growth at the Athens Conservatory on Monday.

Matthew Nimetz, who held the position of UN Special Representative from 1994 to 2019, was honoured for his pivotal role in facilitating the Prespa Agreement. This landmark accord, signed six years ago, resolved the long-standing naming dispute and was hailed as a triumph of diplomacy.

During his acceptance speech, Nimetz urged all parties to “follow and respect the Prespa Agreement and work hard for its implementation.” He emphasised the importance of addressing any outstanding issues through dialogue and cooperation. Reflecting on his tenure, Nimetz credited his persistence over two decades, particularly noting that his contributions were most significant in the final years leading to the agreement.

Nimetz expressed gratitude to former and current UN Secretaries-General for their unwavering support of the agreement, and he extended his thanks to the peoples of Greece and North Macedonia. He highlighted the agreement’s broader significance, stating, “The Prespa Agreement is very important for the two countries, the region, and beyond.” He remarked on the nature of significant treaties, which often require compromises, drawing parallels to historic agreements like the US Constitution, the Treaty of Versailles, and the UN Charter.

In a poignant moment, Nimetz contrasted the idealised world of the Metaverse with the realities of international diplomacy, urging a pragmatic approach to resolving real-world challenges.

The ceremony featured a videotaped message from UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and was attended by notable figures, including SYRIZA-Progressive Alliance leader Stefanos Kasselakis.

The International Conference for Peace and Sustainable Growth, organised by the Alexis Tsipras Institute and the Zoran Zaev Institute, continues through Tuesday, fostering discussions on regional cooperation and sustainable development.

(Source: Amna)

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