English Edition

FM Gerapetritis: Acts of irredentism and undermining of a European prospect are unacceptable

FM Gerapetritis: Acts of irredentism and undermining of a European prospect are unacceptable

Πηγή Φωτογραφίας: Eurokinissi (Αρχείου)//FM Gerapetritis: Acts of irredentism and undermining of a European prospect are unacceptable

The Western Balkans' European prospect "goes through the path of law, the European acquis, democracy, minority rights, and, of course, compliance with agreed terms

The Western Balkans’ European prospect “goes through the path of law, the European acquis, democracy, minority rights, and, of course, compliance with agreed terms, including of international agreements and International Law overall,” Greek Foreign Affairs Minister George Gerapetritis said on Wednesday, after meeting with his Austrian counterpart Alexander Schallenberg, who is visiting Athens.

At a joint press conference, Gerapetritis added, “Compliance with International Law cannot be selective; acts that imply irredentist tendencies and that undermine relations of good neighborliness and the European prospect instead of strengthening them, are unacceptable, they do not contribute to the world toward the European family.” 

Greece remains committed to the accession of Western Balkan states to the European Union, as set out in the Thessaloniki Agenda two decades ago. “Admittedly, there has not been a lot of progress since then, despite the efforts we are expending,” Gerapetritis noted. Greece and Austria both hope that the requirements are met in the future so those countries join the European family, he added.


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