English Edition

Papathanassis: Disbursement of 2.3 billion euros from the loan part of the Recovery Fund

Papathanassis: Disbursement of 2.3 billion euros from the loan part of the Recovery Fund

Πηγή Φωτογραφίας: Eurokinissi (Αρχείου)//Papathanassis: Disbursement of 2.3 billion euros from the loan part of the Recovery Fund

The European funds that have entered the country from the Recovery and Resilience Fund now amount to 17.2 billion euros, following today's announcement by the European Commission on the disbursement of 2.3 billion euros to Greece

The European funds that have entered the country from the Recovery and Resilience Fund now amount to 17.2 billion euros, following today’s announcement by the European Commission on the disbursement of 2.3 billion euros to Greece, following the successful completion of 4th payment request from the loan part of the “Greece 2.0” National Plan.

The disbursement came as a result of reaching the objective of contractualization of loan resources of the Recovery Fund amounting to 4.52 billion euros. It is noted that in June the 4th payment request of 1 billion euros was submitted from the grants section, while the disbursement of the relevant funds is expected to take place in October.

The Deputy Minister of National Economy and Finance, Nikos Papathanassis, said in this regard “The new disbursement of 2.3 billion euros from the loan part of the Recovery and Resilience Fund is a result of the achievement of the required milestones. Greece is among the first countries in terms of disbursements of the Recovery Fund, with the result that its resources support the country’s development perspective, enhancing competitiveness and entrepreneurship through an investment-friendly environment.Consistent with our plan and commitments, with determination and fiscal seriousness, we continue the development and reform effort, with the aim of growing the economy that creates new and more jobs and therefore, increases the disposable income for all our fellow citizens.”


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