English Edition

Mykonos Rocked by Corruption Scandal: Officials Granted Illegal Licenses for Profit

Mykonos Rocked by Corruption Scandal: Officials Granted Illegal Licenses for Profit

Πηγή Φωτογραφίας: ΔΥΑΔΙΚΤΥΟ

Kathimerini has learned that the investigation uncovered a particularly striking case involving a Mykonos clothing store undergoing renovations in the summer of 2023. During construction, antiquities, believed to be part of a medieval castle wall, were unearthed

Mykonos, Greece – A widening corruption scandal that has already ensnared Athens Municipality and Attica Regional Authority employees has reached the popular holiday island of Mykonos. Evidence suggests that at least three Culture Ministry officials, implicated in the racket of granting illegal licenses and immunity for zoning and environmental violations in exchange for money, have been operating on the island since at least last year.

Kathimerini has learned that the investigation uncovered a particularly striking case involving a Mykonos clothing store undergoing renovations in the summer of 2023. During construction, antiquities, believed to be part of a medieval castle wall, were unearthed. However, instead of halting the project to assess and potentially showcase the historical discovery, the store was allowed to proceed with its renovation and grand opening as planned, allegedly thanks to the intervention of the corrupt officials.

A notebook belonging to the alleged ringleader of the operation contains an entry dated July 7, 2023, referencing a Mykonos business and a payment of €10,000 to be split between two individuals. While the specific business is not explicitly named in the current case file – which focuses on activities from April 2024 onwards – this revelation raises serious questions about the extent of the corruption.

The three Culture Ministry employees, one of whom held a senior position within the Department for the Protection of Modern Monuments, have since been dismissed from their posts. However, it remains unclear whether the investigation will be expanded to cover all cases handled by these individuals, potentially revealing a deeper web of corruption within the Ministry and beyond.


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