English Edition

Mobile phones banned from schools

Mobile phones banned from schools

Πηγή Φωτογραφίας: Pixabay//Mobile phones banned from schools

Beginning in September, Greek schools will institute a new rule requiring students to keep their mobile phones in their bags throughout the school day

Beginning in September, Greek schools will institute a new rule requiring students to keep their mobile phones in their bags throughout the school day. This change, effective with the new academic year starting on September 11, was announced following discussions between Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis and Education Minister Kyriakos Pierrakakis.

Prime Minister Mitsotakis unveiled the “Cellphone in the School Bag” initiative, emphasizing the negative impact of phones on the learning environment. He stated, “Scientific evidence clearly shows that mobile phones cause significant distractions and therefore should not be used during school hours.”

Under the new policy, students who fail to comply will face a one-day suspension. Repeat offenders may be removed from classes for several days, and filming classmates or teachers without consent could result in expulsion. Mitsotakis acknowledged that full compliance might not be immediate but stressed the importance of students, parents, and teachers embracing the focus on education.

These rules expand on measures introduced by Minister Pierrakakis in March, aimed at reducing cyberbullying. Previously, students faced expulsion for recording and mocking peers online.

This initiative marks Greece’s first comprehensive penalty system for managing mobile phone use in schools, addressing an issue that has been difficult to enforce under a general ban dating back to 2002. A representative from the teachers’ union OLME indicated the need to educate students about phone habits rather than relying solely on punitive measures.

Source: GCT–Bill Kouras


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