English Edition

SYRIZA: What’s Behind Kasselakis’ Name Change – Battle Lines Drawn with Polakis and the ’87’

SYRIZA: What’s Behind Kasselakis’ Name Change – Battle Lines Drawn with Polakis and the ’87’

Πηγή Φωτογραφίας: Eurokinissi (Αρχείου)//SYRIZA: What’s Behind Kasselakis’ Name Change – Battle Lines Drawn with Polakis and the ’87’

The political conflict within SYRIZA Progressive Alliance has reached its peak. Key figures are openly preparing for a showdown ahead of the upcoming Central Committee meeting this weekend

The “Tsipras Era” Ends

Party leader Stefanos Kasselakis seems determined to introduce major changes, transitioning SYRIZA into a new party called “Coalition of Modern Left.” This name change is just one of the sweeping reforms Kasselakis plans, signaling a break from SYRIZA’s past under Alexis Tsipras.

Kasselakis’ proposal includes restructuring the party by reducing decision-making bodies and limiting accountability of leadership. Notably, the Central Committee will be replaced by a National Council with 151 members, and there will be term limits for MPs. These changes could favor Kasselakis’ supporters with many parliamentary terms, such as Nina Kassimati, Theodora Tzakri, and Pavlos Polakis.

Many within the party view these changes as a way to further centralize power around Kasselakis. Opposition from some members has been strong, particularly regarding the elimination of the “Radical” from the party’s name, which signals a shift towards the center.

At the same time, Kasselakis has reinstated Pavlos Polakis, a controversial figure, into SYRIZA’s parliamentary group, further deepening internal divisions. Polakis, a key figure in the “87 Movement,” has been critical of the party leadership and insists on deep reforms within SYRIZA.

The weekend’s Central Committee meeting will be a critical moment for the future direction of the party, as Kasselakis’ changes are debated and potentially put into action.


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