English Edition

Turkey: We will never approve the broadcast of Famagusta on Netflix

Turkey: We will never approve the broadcast of Famagusta on Netflix

Πηγή Φωτογραφίας: Διαδίκτυο//Turkey: We will never approve the broadcast of Famagusta on Netflix

The Turkish politician announced that when parliament opens, they will summon the Netflix representative in Turkey “and we will discuss at least how we will follow a roadmap.”

The baton was taken by Hüseyin Yayman, a member of parliament and chairman of the Turkish Grand National Assembly’s Digital Media Committee, who spoke of Greek-side propaganda regarding the Turkish invasion.

“We do not approve and will never approve the broadcast of the series on Netflix. It is one of the platforms with the most subscribers in Turkey. It is also among the top 10 in the world. We continue to hope that the sensitivities of our nation will be taken into account and a solution will be found,” he emphasized.

The Turkish politician announced that when parliament opens, they will summon the Netflix representative in Turkey “and we will discuss at least how we will follow a roadmap.”

In any case, Ankara’s opinion on the series, which is scheduled to be broadcast on Netflix on September 20, is categorically negative.

“We will never approve the Greek Cypriot side to unfairly direct the Cyprus issue in another direction through a surreal series, disconnected from reality, and to guide it through a propaganda operation. Cyprus is Turkish and will remain Turkish,” he said.

Yayman called on the Turkish television series and film industry to explain the Cyprus issue to the world, Europe, and the Greek Cypriot side, noting that it has state support. “As they do propaganda for their unjust cause, they make series, movies, and do propaganda through them, we don’t need it. We need to tell the truth,” he said.


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