English Edition

A Race Against Time: Saving Nikos Bel-Jon’s Medical Mosaic Masterpiece

A Race Against Time: Saving Nikos Bel-Jon’s Medical Mosaic Masterpiece
New York City – A monumental work of art, a shining example of mid-20th century mosaic artistry, hangs in the balance. “Medical Research Through The Ages,” a stunning 36-foot by 14-foot metal and mosaic mural by renowned Greek artist Nikos Bel-Jon, faces an uncertain future.

Housed for over six decades in the lobby of the former Pfizer World Headquarters at 235 East 42nd Street, the mural is in imminent danger of demolition as the building undergoes a major residential conversion.

Nikos Bel-Jon’s nationally significant mural. (Courtesy of Bel-Jon Studios)

A dedicated coalition of preservationists and Bel-Jon’s family are racing against the clock to find a new home for the irreplaceable artwork. With a deadline looming in early September, they are urgently appealing to museums, universities, hospitals, and other publicly accessible spaces to consider providing a permanent or temporary haven for this national treasure.

A Legacy Forged in Light and Metal

Created in 1960, the mural is a testament to Bel-Jon’s pioneering “painting with light” technique, which utilizes the interplay of light and meticulously abraded metal tiles to create dynamic, almost three-dimensional imagery. This groundbreaking approach, coupled with Bel-Jon’s mastery of composition and his deep understanding of art history, resulted in a work of breathtaking beauty and educational significance.

Depicting key figures and milestones in medical history – from Hippocrates and Galen to Fleming and Pasteur – the mural is a vibrant tapestry that celebrates the evolution of healing and scientific discovery. The artwork served as a source of inspiration and reflection for generations of Pfizer employees and visitors, its intricate details sparking curiosity and wonder.

Bel-Jon creating Pfizer mural in a former synagogue turned studio. (Courtesy of Bel-Jon Studios)

“Bel-Jon’s mural is more than just a work of art; it’s a portal to medical history, a testament to human ingenuity, and a reminder of the power of artistic innovation,” said Andrew Cronson, a preservationist actively involved in the relocation effort. “To lose it would be a devastating blow to our cultural heritage.”

A Family’s Legacy, a Nation’s Heritage

For Bel-Jon’s daughters, Rhea Bel-Jon Calkins and Athena Bel-Jon DeBonis, the fight to save the mural is deeply personal. They have fond memories of their father working tirelessly in his studio, his passion for his craft evident in every carefully placed tile.

Artwork by Metal Muralist Nikos Bel-Jon

“This mural wasn’t just a commission for our father; it was a labor of love, a culmination of his artistic vision and technical skill,” said Calkins and DeBonis in a joint statement. “Seeing it dismantled would be like losing a part of him, a part of our family history.”

The mural’s significance extends far beyond the Bel-Jon family. It represents a pivotal moment in American art history, showcasing the innovative spirit and artistic excellence that characterized the mid-20th century. Its loss would be felt not only in New York City but across the nation.

Time is of the Essence: A Call to Action

The clock is ticking, and the fate of this extraordinary artwork hangs precariously in the balance. The coalition spearheading the relocation effort remains optimistic that a suitable home can be found, but they emphasize the urgency of the situation.

“We are confident that there is an institution or organization out there that recognizes the immense value of this mural and is willing to step forward to provide it with the safe and respectful haven it deserves,” said Cronson. “We just need to find them before it’s too late.”

The coalition urges anyone with information about potential relocation sites or those interested in supporting the preservation effort to come forward immediately.

This is a critical moment, a chance to preserve a masterpiece and ensure that Nikos Bel-Jon’s legacy of artistry and innovation continues to inspire generations to come.

Πηγή: GCT–Bill Kouras

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