English Edition

Skylakakis, Habeck discuss possibility of interconnecting Greek-German energy systems

Skylakakis, Habeck discuss possibility of interconnecting Greek-German energy systems

Πηγή Φωτογραφίας: Eurokinissi (Αρχείου)//Skylakakis, Habeck discuss possibility of interconnecting Greek-German energy systems

Environment and Energy Minister Theodoros Skylakakis and the German Vice Chancellor, Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Protection, Robert Habeck

Environment and Energy Minister Theodoros Skylakakis and the German Vice Chancellor, Minister of Economic Affairs and Climate Protection, Robert Habeck discussed the possibility of interconnecting the energy systems of the two countries in their meeting on the sidelines of the 88th TIF.

“Climate change, I would say the climate crisis, is here, it will get worse in the next 30 years, and the green transition and adaptation to the climate crisis are issues that we need to finance at the same time,” Skylakakis pointed out.

“In a period of economic hardship, it is very important to work together in Europe to interconnect, whether with hydrogen, or with electricity, and understand the challenges”, he emphasized and added that key to the solution to the problems is understanding between partners in the EU, especially partners as important as Germany.

On his part, Habeck underlined that energy consumption, but also society more broadly, are affected by warming and added that “climate issues are not a footnote to history, but the story behind many of the stories of our weather.” He said that the two countries face the same challenges in the energy sector and follow strategies such as the promotion of renewable sources.

“We agreed to look at the consumption and production curves and see if it is possible to integrate the two energy systems. This will be the subject of the next meeting,” he stated.


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