English Edition

Exhibition ‘Stoa 01’ Transforms Historic Athens Market on Sat.

Exhibition ‘Stoa 01’ Transforms Historic Athens Market on Sat.
The exhibition will run until October 12 during regular store hours. Visitors can access the arcade via the nearby Panepistimio or Omonοia metro stations.

Orfanidou Arcade in the heart of Athens will transform starting Saturday, October 5,  into a hub of creativity as 22 Greek and international artists collaborate with local shopkeepers for a unique art exhibition titled “Stoa 01.” This week-long event, located at 39 Stadiou Street, invites visitors to experience art in a new context, as shop windows traditionally used for displaying coins, stamps, antiques, and other goods will now showcase a diverse array of artistic installations.

Caroline Pradal

The brainchild of artists Piyi Wong Poi-Ein, Panagiotis Voulgaris, and Dionisios Pappas, “Stoa 01” emerged from their explorations of Athens’ arcades, particularly those in the often-overlooked area stretching from Klafthmonos Square to Omonοia. Historically bustling with economic activity, these arcades once played an essential role in the city’s daily life. With this exhibition, the artists seek to breathe new life into these spaces by integrating contemporary art with the everyday commerce of the arcade’s shops.

Piyi Wong Poi-Ein

The project was conceived through collaboration with the arcade’s shop owners, who were enthusiastic about the idea of transforming their spaces into art exhibits. Each artist spent time observing the unique character of the shops and their products before creating site-specific installations. The resulting artworks—ranging from paintings, sculptures, and textiles to photography, collages, and more—will be displayed alongside the shops’ regular merchandise, creating a fusion of art and commerce that is sure to surprise and engage visitors.

Panagiotis Voulgaris

The exhibition will run until October 12 during regular store hours. Visitors can access the arcade via the nearby Panepistimio or Omonοia metro stations.

Pandora Mouriki

Participating artists include Blanka Amezkua, Natasa Antonov, Iakovos Volkov, Mary Cox, Elli Embedokli, Iliana Theodoropoulou, Helen Kyrkilis, Loula Leventi, Angela Liosi, Alexandros Maganiotis, Dimitra Maltabe, Christina Mitrentse, Pandora Mouriki, Maria Bourbou, Vivi Papadimitriou, Sergios Pappas, Caroline Pradal, Ioanna Terlidou, and Panos Tsonis, alongside exhibition organizers Piyi Wong Poi-Ein, Panagiotis Voulgaris, and Dionisios Pappas.

Stoa 01

Source: tovima.com

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