English Edition

SYRIZA excludes again Kasselakis’ presidential bid, but he insists

SYRIZA excludes again Kasselakis’ presidential bid, but he insists

Πηγή Φωτογραφίας: Eurokinissi (Αρχείου)//SYRIZA excludes again Kasselakis’ presidential bid, but he insists

Yesterday, Wednesday, another organ of the party, the Political Secretariat shut the door to Stefanos Kasselakis, the deposed former leader who insists on bidding for the party presidency.

The drama around Greece’s main opposition party SYRIZA continues without break, confusing current and former supporters and voters ahead of the elections of a new leader.

Yesterday, Wednesday, another organ of the party, the Political Secretariat shut the door to Stefanos Kasselakis, the deposed former leader who insists on bidding for the party presidency.

“After the deadline for the submission of nominations for the presidency of the party, and in accordance with the decisions of the Central Committee, the nominations for approval at the conference are: Apostolos Gletsou, Pavlos Polakis, Sokratis Famellou, and Nikos Faradouris.” the party’s political secretariat stated.

In the statement, the Political Secretariat touted commitment to a democratic, and unified approach to party elections, and snubbed Kasselakis specifically though not by name, stating: “Different misleading registers, separate buildings, references to coups and dictatorships are choices that are offensive to our history and antagonistic to our perspective.”

Kasselakis was ousted as SYRIZA party president after a vote of no confidence last month.

He has expressed his intention to run again even though several organs of the party do not want him.

He insists that the upcoming party congress next week should hold the final say on his candidacy and not the party’s Political Secretariat or any other organ. He has denied the accusations that he is attempting to form a splinter party.


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