State budget primary surplus at 13.489 bln euros in first 10 months of 2024

Πηγή Φωτογραφίας: Διαδίκτυο//State budget primary surplus at 13.489 bln euros in first 10 months of 2024
The budget shows a primary surplus of 13.489 billion euros in the 10th month of this year, against a target for a primary surplus of 4.667 billion euros and a primary surplus of 6.080 billion euros for the same period in 2023. A significant part of the difference results from the collection in October of 3.241 billion euros from the new Attiki Odos concession contract, which was scheduled to be collected in December 2024, as announced by the Ministry of National Economy and Finance.
In the period January-October 2024, the amount of net revenue of the state budget amounted to 61.263 billion euros, showing an increase of 3.522 billion euros or 6.1% compared to the target included for the corresponding period in the introductory report of the 2024 budget, as an amount of 3.241 billion euros was collected in October from the new Attica Road concession contract, which was scheduled to be collected in December 2024.
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