English Edition

Greece halts Syrian asylum applications after Assad’s fall

Greece halts Syrian asylum applications after Assad’s fall

Πηγή Φωτογραφίας: Eurokinissi//Greece halts Syrian asylum applications after Assad’s fall

Reports suggest that during the session, chaired by Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis at the Maximos Mansion in Athens, the body decided to temporarily suspend any asylum application requests in the country by Syrian refugees following in the footsteps of other European nations, like Germany.

Over 15 EU countries have implemented similar “freezes,” citing the claim that the Assad regime, which many were fleeing, has fallen

The Greek National Security Council (KYSEA), which convened on Friday, decided to freeze Syrian asylum requests following the recent rapid developments in Syria that resulted in the fall of the Assad regime.

Reports suggest that during the session, chaired by Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis at the Maximos Mansion in Athens, the body decided to temporarily suspend any asylum application requests in the country by Syrian refugees following in the footsteps of other European nations, like Germany.

Over 15 EU countries have implemented similar “freezes,” citing the claim that the Assad regime, which many were fleeing, has fallen.

The Greek National Security Council assessed the ongoing events in the war-torn country, making it clear it supported an inclusive future for the Middle Eastern country with guarantees for the safety of religious minorities. Syria has an estimated 300,000 Christians of varying denominations with the majority being Greek Orthodox.

Migrant flows to Greece have decreased significantly in recent days, and although asylum application procedures continue, no decisions will be issued for these individuals until further notice.

The decision is expected to affect approximately 9,000 Syrian asylum seekers in Greece. Currently, Greece hosts 9,450 Syrian refugees, representing 35% of individuals in accommodation facilities.

Pathway for the Return of Syrian Refugees

According to a statement by government spokesperson Pavlos Marinakis, a recent meeting reviewed the latest developments in Syria, examining all aspects relevant to Greece and the region.

“Greece supports the unity, territorial integrity, and sovereignty of Syria and envisions an inclusive future that protects all religious minorities,” the statement reads.

The statement further emphasizes that a return to democratic normalcy in Syria should mark the end of refugee flows and pave the way for the return of Syrian refugees to their homes.

“Greece carefully weighs all developments, monitors the dynamic situation in the region, and adjusts its stance on migration and refugee matters in line with evolving conditions and the decisions of EU bodies,” the government spokesperson noted, adding that Greek authorities remain vigilant at all levels

An assortment of anti-Assad militants, including Turkish backed jihadists based in Idlib in northwestern Syria and US-backed Kurdish fighters in the northeastern part of the country in a lightning strike swept across the country overwhelming Syrian forces in a little over a week.

Source: pagenews.gr

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