ENFIA: Deadline until Friday for the property insurance deduction

Πηγή Φωτογραφίας: freepik, ENFIA: Deadline until Friday for the property insurance deduction
The deadline expires Friday for property owners who have insured their properties in full but have yet to apply to reduce their ENFIA bill by up to 20%. In fact, in the past few days the tax administration sent a notice to those who had an active insurance policy in 2024 regarding the actions they must take by February 14, 2025 in order to secure the deduction.
According to data from ADE, the doubling of the ENFIA discount from 10% to 20% for homes worth up to 500,000 euros did not – reportedly – produce the expected results as the beneficiaries of the discount increased by 35,000 compared to last year, reaching 250,000.
In order to be granted an ENFIA reduction for the year 2025, if the conditions are met, you need to apply by 14/02/2025 through the myPROPERTY platform on the myAADE digital portal (myaade.gov.gr), by following the route: Applications > Popular Applications > myPROPERTY > Reduction of ENVAT for insured houses > Login to the Application, after logging in with your personal TAXISNET codes.
The ENVIA of 2025
ENFIA for 2025 will be paid in 12 monthly installments, with the first being paid at the end of March 2025. The collection of ENFIA will start earlier than any other year, as the tax amount will be posted on the taxpayers’ platform on February 28, 2025, the same day the last installment of ENFIA for 2024 will be paid.
Despite the early posting of the ENFIA bill, taxpayers will be able to pay the tax amount in 12 installments, which is an improvement over the 11 installments of previous years.
When it comes to changes to ENFIA for 2025, the tax landscape remains virtually unchanged for the majority of property owners. However, taxpayers who acquired a property by the end of 2024, either through purchase, parental gift or donation, are expected to see their tax bill increase due to the change in their property status. Conversely, those who sold or transferred property to their children or grandchildren will see a reduction in the amount of ENFIA.
In addition, about 1 million taxpayers are estimated to benefit from discounts of up to 50% or complete exemption from ENFIA, based on specific income and property criteria. Property owners who suffered damage from natural disasters such as fires, floods or earthquakes will also be entitled to a tax exemption.
Source: pagenews.gr
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