English Edition

Two Years After Tempi Disaster: Grief, Anger, and the Fight for Justice

Two Years After Tempi Disaster: Grief, Anger, and the Fight for Justice

Πηγή Φωτογραφίας: Eurokinissi (Αρχείου)//Two Years After Tempi Disaster: Grief, Anger, and the Fight for Justice

Friday, February 28, marks two years since the devastating train disaster in Tempi, which claimed the lives of 57 people, yet revelations about the tragedy continue to surface.

Maria, a victim’s daughter, expressed deep frustration and sorrow, stating that after two years, families are still waiting for justice.

Friday, February 28, marks two years since the devastating train disaster in Tempi, which claimed the lives of 57 people, yet revelations about the tragedy continue to surface.

One such revelation was brought to light by the family of Giorgos Kyriakidis, a passenger in the first carriage who lost his life in the crash. His relatives claimed that his body was returned to them with different clothes than those he wore when he boarded the ill-fated train.

His daughter, Maria, expressed deep frustration and sorrow, stating that after two years, families are still waiting for justice.

“Fate played a cruel game with us, and for two years now, they have tormented us, mocked us, and deceived us. Information comes out from time to time—some of it true, some not—and politicians go on TV and talk about us,” she said.

“My father was everything to me,” she added, emphasizing the significance of Friday’s mass protests, where people will gather to demand an end to injustice and deception.

“The demonstration is not just for us; it’s for everyone. These people in power gamble with all our lives every single day. Enough! Enough with playing with our lives and our sanity,” she declared.

A Survivor’s Battle

Meanwhile, Gerasimos Iasonas, the sole survivor from the first carriage, continues to fight the greatest battle of his life. Now returning to Greece after a long period of treatment abroad, his mother described the immense suffering their family has endured.

“When I saw him intubated for the first time, I promised him I would give him everything available on this planet,” she said.

She recounted the shocking condition he was in after the crash:

“His body had not a single scratch. Not a single drop of blood. Later, the doctors told me the damage was caused by the shockwave from the explosion. ‘It’s as if a nuclear bomb exploded inside his head,’ they said. His brain cells’ fluids had been expelled. This was far beyond a simple injury.”

For two years, she stresses that she has mourned not only her son’s suffering but also the 57 victims who lost their futures—their dreams, achievements, weddings, and children who will never be born.

“I mourn the future of Greece. Our democracy. Our justice. Sacred values that this country gave birth to. Crime upon crime. A global disgrace. The bones of the 57 victims, and of our ancient ancestors, are rattling in their graves—for lawmakers who congratulate themselves and for what our justice system has become. A puppet…” she lamented.

Source: pagenews.gr

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