Audiobook literature for all via the eVivlio app

Πηγή Φωτογραφίας: Διαδίκτυο//Audiobook literature for all via the eVivlio app
A new app, eVivlio, offers free access to literary audiobooks with the voices of favourite artists to students, teachers, and anyone who loves books.
“Readers of all ages will now have the opportunity, at any time, wherever they are, to “travel” through the pages of classic masterpieces signed by renowned Greek and foreign writers,” according to a press release from the Ministry of Education, Religious Affairs, and Sports.
The application will be available in a few days, while the books will soon be distributed in printed form to all students in an effort by the ministry to introduce them to literature and promote literacy.
According to a statement from the Ministry of Education, the app was designed and implemented in collaboration with audiobook platform Bookvoice. The application eVivlio will be continuously enriched with new titles.
“eVivlio brings us one step closer to our goal of making books accessible to all and speaking the language of young people, using innovative digital tools,” said Minister of Education, Religious Affairs, and Sports Kyriakos Pierrakakis.
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