Greece to launch ‘Safe Youth’ app to combat rising teen violence
He explained that the app, called “Safe Youth,” will enable at-risk teenagers to alert the police in real time. However, he did not provide a specific launch date.
He explained that the app, called “Safe Youth,” will enable at-risk teenagers to alert the police in real time. However, he did not provide a specific launch date.
Κατάθεση δελτίων αποκλειστικά στα καταστήματα ΟΠΑΠ
Σφοδρές βροχοπτώσεις στη Βαλένθια και άλλες περιοχές προκάλεσαν πλημμύρες σε δρόμους και σπίτια - Υπάρχουν παιδιά ανάμεσα στα θύματα, λένε οι τοπικές Αρχές
The Greek Ministry of Rural Development and Food has implemented heightened preventative inspections across the country following a report of avian influenza (H5N1) in Bulgaria.
He was involved in a case against an Orthodox priest - Two Catholic priests from the Syros diocese made "investments" in nightclubs
Ο Νοέμβριος υπόσχεται μοναδικές, καθηλωτικές και καταιγιστικές στιγμές στα Novacinema