Nikos Dendias: Greece Exercised Its Rights in the Ionian Sea Under UNCLOS Provisions
This move, enacted in the face of Turkish threats and tensions in the Aegean, has been regarded as a critical step in asserting Greece's maritime rights.
This move, enacted in the face of Turkish threats and tensions in the Aegean, has been regarded as a critical step in asserting Greece's maritime rights.
Red Cross volunteers will make waiting on call more bearable
"Νοιαζόμαστε με πράξεις για τη μεσαία τάξη”
Modern health centres to be included in on-call services
Πολιτικός ρατσισμός να λέει το ΠΑΣΟΚ ότι η Κεντροδεξιά δεν έχει πρόσωπα που ενώνουν
Θα εκτεθούν στον Ελληνικό Λαό όσοι δεν τον ψηφίσουν