Ειδήσεις, video, ειδησεις τωρα και νέα για ATHENS INVESTMENT FORUM 2020 από το

  • Greece Greenlights 1.2 Billion Euro Tourism Investments in Evia, Peloponnese, and Western Greece

    Greece Greenlights 1.2 Billion Euro Tourism Investments in Evia, Peloponnese, and Western Greece

    The decision came after a meeting of the Interministerial Committee for Strategic Investments, led by Development Minister Takis Theodorikakos. The meeting also included Energy Minister Theodoros Skylakakis, Culture Minister Lina Mendoni, State Minister Makis Voridis, and Deputy Minister of National Economy and Finance Nikos Papathanasis.

    Greece Greenlights 1.2 Billion Euro Tourism Investments in Evia, Peloponnese, and Western Greece
  • Η BlackRock θα αγοράσει τα λιμάνια της Διώρυγας του Παναμά μετά τις πιέσεις Τραμπ

    Η BlackRock θα αγοράσει τα λιμάνια της Διώρυγας του Παναμά μετά τις πιέσεις Τραμπ

    Ο Τραμπ έχει ισχυριστεί επανειλημμένα ότι «η Κίνα διοικεί τη Διώρυγα του Παναμά» και απείλησε να την «πάρει πίσω» υπό αμερικανικό έλεγχο

    Η BlackRock θα αγοράσει τα λιμάνια της Διώρυγας του Παναμά μετά τις πιέσεις Τραμπ
  • Tourism: green light for three strategic investments of €1.2 billion

    Tourism: green light for three strategic investments of €1.2 billion

    They concern the development of high-end tourism by Hydra Rock in Ermionida, GH Hotel in Evia and Astakos Terminal in Aitoloakarnania - They will receive the incentives of fast-track licensing and Special Spatial Development Plans for Strategic Investments

    Tourism: green light for three strategic investments of €1.2 billion
  • Bank of Greece Forecasts Gradual Inflation Decline, Steady Growth

    Bank of Greece Forecasts Gradual Inflation Decline, Steady Growth

    According to the BoG report, inflation, measured by the Harmonized Index of Consumer Prices (HICP), is expected to decrease gradually, approaching 2% by the end of 2026. However, introducing the ETS2 carbon trading system in the energy sector is anticipated to cause a temporary increase to 2.5% in 2027. Core inflation is projected to drop to 2.2% by 2027, driven by lower industrial goods and services inflation.

    Bank of Greece Forecasts Gradual Inflation Decline, Steady Growth