Greece's Vibrant January Traditions: From Sacred Rites to Raucous Revelry
Epiphany: A Celebration of Light and Water (January 6)
Epiphany: A Celebration of Light and Water (January 6)
Watch videos and view photos – Crowds of faithful attended the blessing of the waters, while the favorable weather aided those who dove to retrieve the Cross
Political leaders, religious figures, military representatives, and other dignitaries attended the annual gathering, reflecting the spirit of unity and tradition.
O πλανήτης υποδέχεται το 2025 με φαντασμαγορικές τελετές, πυροτεχνήματα, αισιοδοξία και γιορτινή διάθεση
Καθ' όλη τη διάρκεια της ημέρας, κόσμος συγκεντρώνεται γύρω από την Όπερα του Σίδνεϊ - την κεντρική σκηνή για την ετήσια επίδειξη πυροτεχνημάτων
This groundbreaking addition to the currency system is set to bring with it significant innovations and has already sparked considerable curiosity and debate.