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  • Golden Dawn Leader Michaloliakos Back to Greek Jail

    Golden Dawn Leader Michaloliakos Back to Greek Jail

    The Appeals Council completely overturned the decision of the Lamia Misdemeanor Council deciding that Michaloliakos remains, despite his trial and heavy conviction, unrepentant.

    Golden Dawn Leader Michaloliakos Back to Greek Jail
  • Prosecutor wants Michaloliakos back behind bars

    Prosecutor wants Michaloliakos back behind bars

    An appeals court prosecutor has appealed a decision of a Lamia court earlier this month to grant conditional release to Nikos Michaloliakos, who in 2020 was sentenced to 13 years and 6 months’

    Prosecutor wants Michaloliakos back behind bars
  • Golden Dawn leader to be released from jail

    Golden Dawn leader to be released from jail

    The Judicial Council of Misdemeanors of Lamia ruled that the former leader of Golden Dawn fulfils the formal requirements for a conditional early release after serving three fifths of his 13-year sentence.

    Golden Dawn leader to be released from jail
  • Theodoros Rousopoulos elected PACE President

    Theodoros Rousopoulos elected PACE President

    Theodoros Rousopoulos (Greece, EPP/DC) has been elected President of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe

    Theodoros Rousopoulos elected PACE President
  • Charges read to ‘Kivotos tou Kosmou’ founders for financial crimes, including embezzlement

    Charges read to 'Kivotos tou Kosmou' founders for financial crimes, including embezzlement

    In addition, the couple was charged with embezzlement in relation to cash and valuables totaling nearly 470,000 euros found in the organization's apartment used by Father Antonios, as well as cash, jewelry, and gold coins found in bank deposit boxes. Charges also pertain to 300,000 euros that appear to be missing from the organization's assets.

    Charges read to ‘Kivotos tou Kosmou’ founders for financial crimes, including embezzlement