Cost of Banking in Greece Drops from Monday
The measure aims to lower the cost of doing business and everyday transactions in Greece, with an estimated annual cost to banks of approximately €150 million.
The measure aims to lower the cost of doing business and everyday transactions in Greece, with an estimated annual cost to banks of approximately €150 million.
It will be recalled that the “My House II” program, with a total budget of 2 billion euros, which is financed 50% through the Recovery and Resilience Fund and 50% by banking institutions, gives the opportunity to 20,000 young people, couples and families to acquire their own first home at a subsidized interest rate.
Η μεταναστευτική συμφωνία μεταξύ Ιταλίας και Αλβανίας ξεκίνησε με δυσκολίες. Με τους πρώτους μετανάστες να φτάνουν στις αλβανικές ακτές τον Οκτώβριο του 2024, η συμφωνία δημιούργησε έναν ιταλικό θύλακα δικαιοδοσίας κοντά στο λιμάνι Shengjin, περίπου 50 μίλια βόρεια των Τιράνων.
Κατά το 2024, η Frontex κατέγραψε περισσότερες από 239.000 παράτυπες εισόδους στην ΕΕ
Inflationary pressures, however, are present, mainly triggered by the services sector, while no one can rule out a sharp increase in energy and food prices in the near future, given the fragile geopolitical environment and the impact of the climate crisis.
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