E-invoices for all businesses
Enterprises throughout economy will have to issue their payment documents online
Enterprises throughout economy will have to issue their payment documents online
The total financing for the project amounts to €41.9 million
Following the presentation of Yemen’s unified vision and priorities by Prime Minister Ahmed bin Mubarak, international partners recognized that Yemen’s stability and regional security, including maritime security, can only be achieved through a stable and effective government responsible to the Yemeni people.
The new tariffs coming into effect for all banks based on the legislative regulation provide for zero charge for the payment of bills and debts to the state, social security funds, local authorities, utilities and insurance companies; a maximum charge of 0.50 euros for sending money
Και οι δύο, δηλαδή η Μπετίνα Άντερσον και η Κίμπερλι Γκιλφόιλ η οποία θα είναι η νέα πρέσβης των ΗΠΑ στην Ελλάδα, έδωσαν το παρών στις εκδηλώσεις για την ορκωμοσία του νέου προέδρου Ντόναλντ Τραμπ, το βράδυ της Κυριακής.
The 22 schools will give thousands of students the tools, knowledge and environment they need to develop their skills