Georgiadis: My goal is to reduce ER waiting times by at least two hours after Easter
As for the measure of tracking patients in emergency departments, Mr. Georgiadis noted that the plan will be implemented in two phases
As for the measure of tracking patients in emergency departments, Mr. Georgiadis noted that the plan will be implemented in two phases
Τι θα γινόταν αν ο Αδόλφος Χίτλερ κατακτούσε την ΕΣΣΔ; Ή αν οι Beatles είχαν διαλυθεί το 1966; Ή, ακόμη, αν ο JFK δεν είχε δολοφονηθεί το 1963;
Crucial element is the surname they choose - "I have a surname. Of Greece. Why should I change it?" said Paul Glyxburg recently
Σε ποια θέση βρίσκεται η Ελλάδα
Why the lengthy construction? The unearthing of over 300,000 artifacts—evidence of an entire second city—required meticulous excavation and preservation, transforming the metro project into an unparalleled archaeological undertaking.
Ο Κυριάκος Μητσοτάκης αναφέρθηκε και στα δύο ζητήματα που έχουν δημιουργήσει ζητήματα στην αγορά ακινήτων.