Alpha Bank: Μεταβιβάστηκε το 65% της Skyline στο επενδυτικό σχήμα Dimand – Premia – EBRD
Τι αλλάζει με τη νέα συμφωνία
Τι αλλάζει με τη νέα συμφωνία
Good-neighborliness and Cooperation during the EU-Western Balkans summit in Brussels on Wednesday.
In this context, the Greek prime minister even made sure to remind in his statements that “in the view of Greece and the EU, the Turkish-Libya memorandum is illegal and invalid.”
Wholesale rates have dropped but retail price will remain high until at least next month
The decision for Greece to take on the role of host was made unanimously by the members of the Forum.
He stressed that the cooperation the government has developed with the regions and municipalities of the country is excellent.