SYRIZA: The gap between the camps is widening – “87” towards the Congress, “Kasselistas” towards PASOK and Rome
The photo of Petros Pappas with Nikos Androulakis and the reference to Thanasis Economou's "march to Rome" caused a big debate in SYRIZA
The photo of Petros Pappas with Nikos Androulakis and the reference to Thanasis Economou's "march to Rome" caused a big debate in SYRIZA
Τα στιγμιότυπα με τον Νίκολας Κέιτζ από ταβέρνα στον Πειραιά
Athina (Nounou) Martinou passed away on Friday night - She entered shipping in 1964 and in 1971, she founded the shipping company Thenamaris
Την υποψηφιότητά του για την προεδρία του ΣΥΡΙΖΑ ανακοίνωσε ο Νικόλας Φαραντούρης
The Casselists are prepared for all eventualities while the deposed president will be absent - The timetable for faster procedures proposed by Polakis - The 87 are discussing the criteria and the candidacy of Famellos
The Political Secretariat meets today to discuss the Thessaloniki International Fair (TIF) and new internal elections - Kasselakis supporters want a quick race - Concerns over PASOK developments