Μιλάνο: Απαγορεύει το κάπνισμα και στους εξωτερικούς χώρους
Τα πρόστιμα για τους παραβάτες θα φτάνουν μέχρι και τα 250€.
Τα πρόστιμα για τους παραβάτες θα φτάνουν μέχρι και τα 250€.
The sitting starts at 11 am with the second speeches of the parliamentary representatives, while at around 1 pm the cycle of speeches of the political leaders will open in reverse order
When the holidays are over, the 20-meter-tall nursery-grown fir tree will be donated to the Athens School of Fine Arts to be used as raw material for woodcarvings by its students. A proportion of its ornaments are made out of 100% recycled PET plastic.
The grant will cover up to 100% of expenses related to a heat pump- at a maximum amount of €35,000- and is part of the country’s program called “Exoikonomo 2025”.
Εξήγησε πώς η «τέλεια» ζωή του ανατράπηκε όταν ήταν μόλις έξι ετών και ο πατέρας του επέστρεψε από τον Β' Παγκόσμιο Πόλεμο
The minister noted that in his previous term in 2019 there had been no structure, no agency dealing with these issues. At the time, 3,500 incidents were recorded. In complete contrast to the current situation, where 18,400 incidents have been recorded since the beginning of the year, a six-fold increase.