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  • Almost 11 billion euros flowed into Greece from tourism up until July

    Almost 11 billion euros flowed into Greece from tourism up until July

    Higher tourist arrivals helped drive up Greece's services balance surplus in the first seven months of 2024, according to figures for the balance of payments in January-July 2024 released by the Bank of Greece on Friday.

    Almost 11 billion euros flowed into Greece from tourism up until July
  • Airbnb Demand in Greece Drives H1 Increase in Beds

    Airbnb Demand in Greece Drives H1 Increase in Beds

    Nearly 1 million beds were available for short-term rental in July in Greece thanks to strong tourist flows.

    Airbnb Demand in Greece Drives H1 Increase in Beds
  • Ice Cream in Greece Among Europe’s Costliest

    Ice Cream in Greece Among Europe’s Costliest

    Ice cream in Greece is becoming a costly pleasure with a liter selling for at least 3.7 euros in 2023, among Europe's most expensive.

    Ice Cream in Greece Among Europe’s Costliest
  • Tax Bureau: More than 4mln Individuals Owe Arrears of 3.4bln€

    Tax Bureau: More than 4mln Individuals Owe Arrears of 3.4bln€

    Overall arrears owed to the state total a still stratospheric 80.8 billion euros, even as 26.32 billion euros has finally been declared as “non-collectible” by the tax bureau.

    Tax Bureau: More than 4mln Individuals Owe Arrears of 3.4bln€