Greek Driver Violations at a Touch of a Button
Traffic offences recorded in the last five years by Greece’s “Driver Behavior Control System” are now available on Wallet
Traffic offences recorded in the last five years by Greece’s “Driver Behavior Control System” are now available on Wallet
The acquisition, originally announced in the summer, constitutes an important milestone in PPC Group’s strategy to expand its RES portfolio, but also to strengthen its commitment to the green transition throughout Southeast Europe.
"Είναι μια ιστορία που με έχει στενοχωρήσει πάρα πολύ, έχασα για πρώτη φορά την ψυχραιμία μου. Εγώ τον έβαλα μέσα στο σπίτι μου, έκανα 2μισι μήνες να κοιμηθώ στο δωμάτιο και στο κρεβάτι μου"
Total of 1.1 billion in interventions for 2025 - Significant reduction of deficit and debt - Who will get up to €420 at Christmas
Στη συνέχεια, ο 17χρονος διακρίνεται να αφαιρεί και το στέμμα από το ίδιο άγαλμα στην εκκλησία της μονής Einsiedeln, να το βάζει στο κεφάλι του και να αποχωρεί χωρίς να τον ενοχλεί κανείς.
The countdown has begun: the deadline for property owners to submit declarations to the Land Registry is approaching. By November 30, those who have not yet declared their rights over their properties—whether they involve ownership, usufruct, mortgages, or easements—must complete the process or risk facing penalties, including fines and the inability to conduct transactions such as sales or transfers.